commit b159aa8b644338360f6e90d34af40a662246fe47
Author: Ian Cordasco <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 12 15:56:29 2015 -0600
Pass a real image target to the policy enforcer
Previously, every call to policy.enforce passed an empty dictionary as
the target. This prevents operators from using tenant specific
restrictions in their policy.json files since the target will always be
an empty dictionary.
If you try to restrict some actions so an image owner (users with the
correct tenant id) can perform actions, the check categorically fails
because the target is okay is an empty dictionary. By passing the
ImageTarget instance wrapping an Image, we can properly grant access to
the image owner(s) based on tenant (e.g., owner:%(tenant)). Without this
fix, the only check that actually works in glance is a RoleCheck (e.g.,
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/146651 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ glance/ commit/ ?id=b159aa8b644 338360f6e90d34a f40a662246fe47
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit b159aa8b6443383 60f6e90d34af40a 662246fe47
Author: Ian Cordasco <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 12 15:56:29 2015 -0600
Pass a real image target to the policy enforcer
Previously, every call to policy.enforce passed an empty dictionary as
the target. This prevents operators from using tenant specific
restrictions in their policy.json files since the target will always be
an empty dictionary.
If you try to restrict some actions so an image owner (users with the
correct tenant id) can perform actions, the check categorically fails
because the target is okay is an empty dictionary. By passing the
ImageTarget instance wrapping an Image, we can properly grant access to
the image owner(s) based on tenant (e.g., owner:%(tenant)). Without this
fix, the only check that actually works in glance is a RoleCheck (e.g.,
Partial-bug: 1346648 to-policy- enforcer fde3f08028d8b70 c623f26b6e9
Implements: blueprint pass-targets-
Change-Id: Id914c478ca7c4d