Continue checking until the last possible candidate has been inspected
in case we encountered a merge commit that looks a lot like an import
merge commit does.
It is possible for a merge to occur where the commit brought in does
not contribute anything to the resulting tree. In such cases the merge
commit will appear TREESAME to the previous state of the branch, and
will be mistaken to be an import merge. Ensure if there is an
additional merge commit to be considered that it is also checked.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/408215 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ git-upstream/ commit/ ?id=0100a7e1d56 e140d2e831fb032 cc1d35973c3b3c
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 0100a7e1d56e140 d2e831fb032cc1d 35973c3b3c
Author: Darragh Bailey <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Dec 7 16:35:37 2016 +0000
Find better import merge commit candidate
Continue checking until the last possible candidate has been inspected
in case we encountered a merge commit that looks a lot like an import
merge commit does.
It is possible for a merge to occur where the commit brought in does
not contribute anything to the resulting tree. In such cases the merge
commit will appear TREESAME to the previous state of the branch, and
will be mistaken to be an import merge. Ensure if there is an
additional merge commit to be considered that it is also checked.
Change-Id: If5694506b59e12 88e23aecbe6e0bf 8297574c72a
Related-Bug: #1648029