Comment 10 for bug 689286

Revision history for this message
John Titus (john-titus) wrote :

Just got another Null pointer exception. I was attempting to copy a partitioned graph to a new workspace, hoping it would lead to an eventual work around. I got this error, and was able to pull up the stack trace:

A java.lang.NullPointerException exception has occurred.
However, the system should continue working without further problems.
Click Show Details for the stack trace.

 at org.gephi.graph.dhns.graph.HierarchicalGraphImpl$1.evaluate(
 at org.gephi.graph.dhns.graph.HierarchicalGraphImpl$1.evaluate(
 at org.gephi.graph.dhns.edge.iterators.EdgeIterator.hasNext(
 at org.gephi.graph.dhns.graph.iterators.EdgeIteratorImpl.hasNext(
 at org.gephi.visualization.bridge.DHNSDataBridge.updateEdges(
 at org.gephi.visualization.bridge.DHNSDataBridge.updateWorld(
 at org.gephi.visualization.opengl.compatibility.CompatibilityEngine.updateWorld(
 at org.gephi.visualization.opengl.compatibility.CompatibilityScheduler.updateWorld(
[catch] at