Removing powered device from USB port is unsafe operation. It is not sufficient to unmount/eject drive, it must be completely powered off before removal.
Please bring back "Safely remove" to Nautilus.
I tried 4 Transcend flashes, 1 ADATA, 2 no-name (SMI and ChipsBnk). They remain powered after eject - it's DANGEROUS for my (and anybody's) data.
I tried external USB-SATA Tsunami HDD - Disks does not spin down (stop) it - It's DANGEROUS for my (and anybody's) data.
Removing powered device from USB port is unsafe operation. It is not sufficient to unmount/eject drive, it must be completely powered off before removal.
Please bring back "Safely remove" to Nautilus.
I tried 4 Transcend flashes, 1 ADATA, 2 no-name (SMI and ChipsBnk). They remain powered after eject - it's DANGEROUS for my (and anybody's) data.
I tried external USB-SATA Tsunami HDD - Disks does not spin down (stop) it - It's DANGEROUS for my (and anybody's) data.
This bug come from Nautilus. Ubuntu is affected by this bug too (see https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ udisks2/ +bug/1067876, https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/nautilus/ +bug/1127135).