Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit d3cb90562999a7a820f9501a77ee808dc8088c70 Author: Hervé Beraud <email address hidden> Date: Mon Oct 21 10:28:53 2019 +0200
Fix Calling waiters.wait_for_any() blocks if future has called Condition.wait()
condition.wait() can block forever even if Futures have completed
A similar issue was already fixed on cpython few years ago: - - -
Change-Id: I1fbad12a0d555e199fdf4073db9408a296e7fd8a Related-Bug: #1848457
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/689691 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ futurist/ commit/ ?id=d3cb9056299 9a7a820f9501a77 ee808dc8088c70
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit d3cb90562999a7a 820f9501a77ee80 8dc8088c70
Author: Hervé Beraud <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Oct 21 10:28:53 2019 +0200
Fix Calling waiters. wait_for_ any() blocks if future has called Condition.wait()
condition. wait() can block forever even if Futures have completed
A similar issue was already fixed on cpython few years ago: /bugs.python. org/issue20319 /hg.python. org/cpython/ rev/0bcf23a52d5 5 /github. com/python/ cpython/ commit/ 2b754f49a57c4f6 25b73e703456bd5 ff04496416
- https:/
- https:/
- https:/
Change-Id: I1fbad12a0d555e 199fdf4073db940 8a296e7fd8a
Related-Bug: #1848457