commit 73599f5f44f6849c0d47639124a091824a21a543
Author: Igor Gajsin <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 26 13:32:38 2016 +0300
Restart neutron services on neutron config change
There are many neutron tasks, e.g.: common-config and network-plugins-l2.
Normally the common-config configures neutron.conf and then plugns-l2 starts
the ovs-agent.
But there is the wrong behaviour when new controllers are added to an
1. configure and deploy an env.
2. common-config configures neutron.conf
3. plugins-l2 starts ovs-agent.
4. add new controllers to the env and redeploy it.
5. common-config configures neutron.conf.
6. plugins-l2 knows nothing about changes in the config.
So ovs-agent isn't restarted and works with old configuration data.
This commit makes neutron tasks check md5 hash of neutron.conf and
restart them when config is changed.
(cherry-picked from 5912ee7ea5715f17f2188c3eb9c814867c9af571)
Change-Id: Ia26f4a5105407ce322a5185455093d69a938edfc
Closes-bug: #1613724
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/420047 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-library/ commit/ ?id=73599f5f44f 6849c0d47639124 a091824a21a543
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/newton
commit 73599f5f44f6849 c0d47639124a091 824a21a543
Author: Igor Gajsin <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 26 13:32:38 2016 +0300
Restart neutron services on neutron config change
There are many neutron tasks, e.g.: common-config and network-plugins-l2.
Normally the common-config configures neutron.conf and then plugns-l2 starts
the ovs-agent.
But there is the wrong behaviour when new controllers are added to an
1. configure and deploy an env.
2. common-config configures neutron.conf
3. plugins-l2 starts ovs-agent.
4. add new controllers to the env and redeploy it.
5. common-config configures neutron.conf.
6. plugins-l2 knows nothing about changes in the config.
So ovs-agent isn't restarted and works with old configuration data.
This commit makes neutron tasks check md5 hash of neutron.conf and
restart them when config is changed.
(cherry-picked from 5912ee7ea5715f1 7f2188c3eb9c814 867c9af571) e322a5185455093 d69a938edfc
Change-Id: Ia26f4a5105407c
Closes-bug: #1613724