During the upgrade from the 6.0 release configuration files of profiles and
distributions for Cobbler should be preserved because this release provides
Ubuntu 12.04 that is not presented in 8.0.
Closes-bug: 1571586
Change-Id: Id9323cbd5f5b73451e5d97ffd4191155c5f5dd5f
(cherry picked from commit 0165988b8f5421c3bf2f0d56d13ea2827f0f7672)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/309900 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-octane/ commit/ ?id=307c67a63b3 55334e3bd7b2b17 f9fc80298b6cad
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/8.0
commit 307c67a63b35533 4e3bd7b2b17f9fc 80298b6cad
Author: Sergey Abramov <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 20 13:57:11 2016 +0300
Add cobbler profiles and distros backup
During the upgrade from the 6.0 release configuration files of profiles and
distributions for Cobbler should be preserved because this release provides
Ubuntu 12.04 that is not presented in 8.0.
Closes-bug: 1571586 451e5d97ffd4191 155c5f5dd5f 3bf2f0d56d13ea2 827f0f7672)
Change-Id: Id9323cbd5f5b73
(cherry picked from commit 0165988b8f5421c