After MOS 9.0 release main repositories are now freezed, and the latest
merged code lands into -proposed. Thus to keep development and CI for
stable/mitaka branch packages from proposed should be added to the ISO.
Change-Id: I8f7cd2fd221e3db5893f7a369696b13f29f83bd5
Closes-bug: #1619309
(cherry picked from commit c6bf2265d28edeb723d154230b1da48207b0f938)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/364160 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-main/ commit/ ?id=0517e1fe67a 298d716da920c53 e6e6ae87a9f304
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/mitaka
commit 0517e1fe67a298d 716da920c53e6e6 ae87a9f304
Author: Dmitry Teselkin <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Jul 26 14:01:12 2016 +0300
Make sure the ISO tracks the latest merged code
After MOS 9.0 release main repositories are now freezed, and the latest
merged code lands into -proposed. Thus to keep development and CI for
stable/mitaka branch packages from proposed should be added to the ISO.
Change-Id: I8f7cd2fd221e3d b5893f7a369696b 13f29f83bd5 723d154230b1da4 8207b0f938)
Closes-bug: #1619309
(cherry picked from commit c6bf2265d28edeb