commit 7be192b72bc25591e60dc5e1f4df86380edb2b66
Author: Alexander Arzhanov <email address hidden>
Date: Tue May 24 17:08:52 2016 +0300
Fix noop tests for new fixtures
This patch makes it possible to enable
new fixtures for I9e6363e20c59fd023a64be1013fa2697e80fdbcc
-Added the compute-vmware role in globals and hiera
tasks for noop script
-Fix compute-vmware running service, this service
started with enable_compute
-Fix noop tests
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/320475 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-library/ commit/ ?id=7be192b72bc 25591e60dc5e1f4 df86380edb2b66
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 7be192b72bc2559 1e60dc5e1f4df86 380edb2b66
Author: Alexander Arzhanov <email address hidden>
Date: Tue May 24 17:08:52 2016 +0300
Fix noop tests for new fixtures
This patch makes it possible to enable 023a64be1013fa2 697e80fdbcc
new fixtures for I9e6363e20c59fd
-Added the compute-vmware role in globals and hiera
tasks for noop script
-Fix compute-vmware running service, this service
started with enable_compute
-Fix noop tests
Change-Id: Ibaf3a0bbbfb1bb 8308bb55de8e905 ffccb57a0d6
Partial-Bug: 1541849
Related-Bug: 1535339