The 'size' parameter for CPU returned by lshw is current CPU clock
which changes constantly breaking nailgun optimization which expects
hw data to not change each time.
This also must reduce probability of deadlocks in #1624230.
Change-Id: I7d9b5282991b17424d458c2612dfa4eeeb52be48
Partial-Bug: #1624230
(cherry picked from commit 5e7127f9ec13c0ed0e62b9d9150d835ca2a27b72)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/430064 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-nailgun- agent/commit/ ?id=dd36db6e062 ede9a1d4af0da1c 83c210eae88d02
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/newton
commit dd36db6e062ede9 a1d4af0da1c83c2 10eae88d02
Author: georgy <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 27 08:58:52 2017 +0300
Fix volatile CPU 'size'
The 'size' parameter for CPU returned by lshw is current CPU clock
which changes constantly breaking nailgun optimization which expects
hw data to not change each time.
This also must reduce probability of deadlocks in #1624230.
Change-Id: I7d9b5282991b17 424d458c2612dfa 4eeeb52be48 d0e62b9d9150d83 5ca2a27b72)
Partial-Bug: #1624230
(cherry picked from commit 5e7127f9ec13c0e