Comment 0 for bug 1477475

Revision history for this message
Sergey Novikov (snovikov) wrote :

Sometimes VM lose network connectivity after rollback partition preservation of compute node where it was booted.

Step to reproduce:

1. Deploy cluster (1 controller + 2 compute, neutron VLAN)
2. Make sure that cluster is operational. For this run OSTF tests
3. Boot VM and assign to it proper security rules for network connectivity
4. Ping VM
5. Enable partition preservation for compute node (exclude partition for OS) where VM is booted:
    - download disk.yaml 'fuel node --node <NODE_ID> --disk --download'
    - edit downloaded disk.yaml. Change flag 'keep_data' on true for partition, exclude partition for OS
    - upload disk.yaml 'fuel node --node <NODE_ID> --disk --upload'
6. Rollback compute node:
    - fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --provision
    - fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --deploy
7. Ping VM

Expected result:
VM is accessible by ICMP

Actual result:
VM is running and accessible by VNC, but VM is not accessible by ICMP

    - mirantis
  production: "docker"
  release: "7.0"
  openstack_version: "2014.2.2-7.0"
  api: "1.0"
  build_number: "44"
  build_id: "2015-07-16_10-46-35"
  nailgun_sha: "bb8b7ce29abf258e4a73d227f78bb07a56bc5199"
  python-fuelclient_sha: "fe14335efc3c800162b72d1e333e5179314e2ff4"
  fuel-agent_sha: "22b566f9161daab93bd3a3324307332e01925bb3"
  astute_sha: "3cc1bb6b2a7cc2b437c6c6ffc6366653b08749bf"
  fuel-library_sha: "36a02ee002f7071470d388089bfa95b14482d5bd"
  fuel-ostf_sha: "5b5ec07f15b1d15e452366e838c4c830010ee795"
  fuelmain_sha: "533d1722016da9774fb406f86d35942e5870ed73"