Bug cannot be reproduced on the latest iso. Also, this error don't appear on the next and other builds (from 84 to current) of the 9.0.system_test.ubuntu.thread_3 job (https://product-ci.infra.mirantis.net/job/9.0.system_test.ubuntu.thread_3/).
This error appeared, if ceph-osd node don't reply more than 10 min.
In the ceph_health on the node-4 was warning about it:
"[] out: HEALTH_WARN clock skew detected on mon.node-5; too many PGs per OSD (499 > max 300); Monitor clock skew detected".
Bug cannot be reproduced on the latest iso. Also, this error don't appear on the next and other builds (from 84 to current) of the 9.0.system_ test.ubuntu. thread_ 3 job (https:/ /product- ci.infra. mirantis. net/job/ 9.0.system_ test.ubuntu. thread_ 3/).
This error appeared, if ceph-osd node don't reply more than 10 min.
In the ceph_health on the node-4 was warning about it:
"[] out: HEALTH_WARN clock skew detected on mon.node-5; too many PGs per OSD (499 > max 300); Monitor clock skew detected".