Reviewed: Submitter: Alexei Sheplyakov <email address hidden> Branch: 7.0
Commit: 6cb2f2488836da5288a0e7d0f46573caae1e0566 Author: Pavel Boldin <email address hidden> Date: Wed Jun 10 14:40:46 2015
Update to MySQL 5.6.23 and wsrep 25.10
Amongst other things this fixes the (Heisen)bug caused by mixing mutexes and atomic operations to manage a variable in a thread safe manner.
The wsrep patch was created by diffing original mysql-5.6.23 against [1] provided by galeracluster and fixing conflicts with existing patches.
Related-Bug: #1462998 Related-Bug: #1438516 Change-Id: I3eff2760f8e0696a9798f9d2e99bfe78e8a6e314
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/7712
Submitter: Alexei Sheplyakov <email address hidden>
Branch: 7.0
Commit: 6cb2f2488836da5 288a0e7d0f46573 caae1e0566
Author: Pavel Boldin <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jun 10 14:40:46 2015
Update to MySQL 5.6.23 and wsrep 25.10
Amongst other things this fixes the (Heisen)bug caused by mixing mutexes
and atomic operations to manage a variable in a thread safe manner.
The wsrep patch was created by diffing original mysql-5.6.23 against [1]
provided by galeracluster and fixing conflicts with existing patches.
[1] http:// releases. galeracluster. com/source/ mysql-wsrep- 5.6.23- 25.10.tar. gz
Related-Bug: #1462998 6a9798f9d2e99bf e78e8a6e314
Related-Bug: #1438516
Change-Id: I3eff2760f8e069