Reviewed: Submitter: Igor Yozhikov <email address hidden> Branch: 8.0
Commit: 0bc64b6a5856003c378c1447d8dabd8dbca3f2c0 Author: Sergey Kolekonov <email address hidden> Date: Fri Sep 4 08:45:21 2015
Add pyroute2 for MOS 8.0
- Neutron requires pyroute2 library to operate with namespaces during cleanup operations - cherry-picked from 7.0 branch 77ffb1499ed615fde5ce775dc58499ac130dde3c
Change-Id: I46649a21a9a76d34c404ebc10a8087ac54815d49 Related-bug: #1436414
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/11165
Submitter: Igor Yozhikov <email address hidden>
Branch: 8.0
Commit: 0bc64b6a5856003 c378c1447d8dabd 8dbca3f2c0
Author: Sergey Kolekonov <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Sep 4 08:45:21 2015
Add pyroute2 for MOS 8.0
- Neutron requires pyroute2 library to operate with namespaces during cleanup de5ce775dc58499 ac130dde3c
- cherry-picked from 7.0 branch 77ffb1499ed615f
Change-Id: I46649a21a9a76d 34c404ebc10a808 7ac54815d49
Related-bug: #1436414