Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/6.0
commit 34b163f2ab3ca8abf53367b53fd0589a1160da0a Author: iberezovskiy <email address hidden> Date: Tue Jan 20 14:13:51 2015 +0300
Setup ttl for ceilometer data and cron daemon to cleanup
* ttl is set to 1 week * cron job runs one a week
Closes-bug: #1399164
Change-Id: I5dc1ccc252602866d77ee44a3580842570401684
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/155368 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ fuel-library/ commit/ ?id=34b163f2ab3 ca8abf53367b53f d0589a1160da0a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/6.0
commit 34b163f2ab3ca8a bf53367b53fd058 9a1160da0a
Author: iberezovskiy <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Jan 20 14:13:51 2015 +0300
Setup ttl for ceilometer data and cron daemon to cleanup
* ttl is set to 1 week
* cron job runs one a week
Closes-bug: #1399164
Change-Id: I5dc1ccc2526028 66d77ee44a35808 42570401684