Related bug It was split into two, because we should address Corosync and RabbitMQ clustering separately.
The repro-steps described in #1348548 are enough to reproduce the split brain for rabbit cluster as well.
As a result rabbit cluster will be split into two partitions:
Cluster status of node 'rabbit@node-2' ...
Cluster status of node 'rabbit@node-4' ...
RabbitMQ has built-in auto-heal policy which should care about partitions automatically, so we have to use it.
Related bug https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/fuel/ +bug/1348548. It was split into two, because we should address Corosync and RabbitMQ clustering separately.
The repro-steps described in #1348548 are enough to reproduce the split brain for rabbit cluster as well.
As a result rabbit cluster will be split into two partitions:
Cluster status of node 'rabbit@node-2' ... [{disc, ['rabbit@ node-2' ,'rabbit@ node-3' ,'rabbit@ node-4' ]}]}, nodes,[ 'rabbit@ node-3' ,'rabbit@ node-2' ]}, [{'rabbit@ node-3' ,['rabbit@ node-4' ]},{'rabbit@ node-2' ,['rabbit@ node-4' ]}]}].. .done.
Cluster status of node 'rabbit@node-4' ... [{disc, ['rabbit@ node-2' ,'rabbit@ node-3' ,'rabbit@ node-4' ]}]},{running_ nodes,[ 'rabbit@ node-4' ]}, [{'rabbit@ node-4' ,['rabbit@ node-2' ,'rabbit@ node-3' ]}]}].. .done.
RabbitMQ has built-in auto-heal policy which should care about partitions automatically, so we have to use it.