Preliminary version of the patch. Be forewarned: it hasn't been tested in any way (i.e. it might even completely break things).
In particular I'm not NetworkManager expert and I'm not quite sure what is the proper way to check if the connection
is actually active (is this isys.NM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED or something else?)
Also I'm not quite sure what is the fastest/easiest way to make an installation media with the updated anaconda version.
Preliminary version of the patch. Be forewarned: it hasn't been tested in any way (i.e. it might even completely break things). DEVICE_ STATE_ACTIVATED or something else?)
In particular I'm not NetworkManager expert and I'm not quite sure what is the proper way to check if the connection
is actually active (is this isys.NM_
Also I'm not quite sure what is the fastest/easiest way to make an installation media with the updated anaconda version.