Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/mitaka
commit dcaa7b11a86dd79eac5e88884bdb7a06a380468a Author: Alexey Stupnikov <email address hidden> Date: Fri May 12 18:49:55 2017 +0300
Set maximum pylint version
It turns out that pylint 1.7 introduced additional checks that are failing against fuel-qa code. It is reasonable to prevent new checks for stable branches and the best way to do so is to pin pylint version.
Change-Id: Iae7506dacd93be9a76e1800ab3091dc715fb8ed5 Closes-bug: #1690410
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/464228 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-qa/ commit/ ?id=dcaa7b11a86 dd79eac5e88884b db7a06a380468a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/mitaka
commit dcaa7b11a86dd79 eac5e88884bdb7a 06a380468a
Author: Alexey Stupnikov <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 12 18:49:55 2017 +0300
Set maximum pylint version
It turns out that pylint 1.7 introduced additional checks that
are failing against fuel-qa code. It is reasonable to prevent
new checks for stable branches and the best way to do so is to
pin pylint version.
Change-Id: Iae7506dacd93be 9a76e1800ab3091 dc715fb8ed5
Closes-bug: #1690410