murano_glance_artifacts_plugin was moved from additional
components to murano settings in mitaka. Thus, need to
add backward copmatibility for old environments after
Change-Id: I46e04d5952c128572fd79818b833daee8911389f
Closes-Bug: #1595821
(cherry picked from commit 99050bb609179d523171a1ac6eff354725606f16)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/338854 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-ostf/ commit/ ?id=66f1a81130b 6531933da1e12a2 bd73b244aed7ef
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/mitaka
commit 66f1a81130b6531 933da1e12a2bd73 b244aed7ef
Author: Artur Svechnikov <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 24 09:51:00 2016 +0300
murano_ glance_ artifacts_ plugin backward compatibility
murano_ glance_ artifacts_ plugin was moved from additional
components to murano settings in mitaka. Thus, need to
add backward copmatibility for old environments after
Change-Id: I46e04d5952c128 572fd79818b833d aee8911389f 23171a1ac6eff35 4725606f16)
Closes-Bug: #1595821
(cherry picked from commit 99050bb609179d5