Found on CI:
Test steps: 1. Revert snapshot "deploy_ha_one_controller_backup_restore" 2. Backup master 3. Check backup 4. Run OSTF 5. Add 1 node with compute role 6. Restore master 7. Check restore 8. Run OSTF
Initial snapshot includes two nodes. So after snapshot's restoring there should be 2 nodes after step 6. But we have 3 nodes: 1 is pending addition.
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel node id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | roles | pending_roles | online | group_id ---|----------|---------------------|---------|-------------|-------------------|------------|---------------|--------|--------- 1 | ready | slave-01_controller | 1 | | 64:54:dd:68:40:b5 | controller | | True | 1 2 | discover | slave-03_compute | 1 | | 64:b2:c3:85:38:c6 | | compute | True | 1 3 | ready | slave-02_compute | 1 | | 64:7b:ba:9d:49:aa | compute | | True | 1
Fuel used: feature_groups: - mirantis production: "docker" release: "8.0" api: "1.0" build_number: "515" build_id: "515" fuel-nailgun_sha: "c363c742bf3a7e7881239c8819ff5c6622f90625" python-fuelclient_sha: "4f234669cfe88a9406f4e438b1e1f74f1ef484a5" fuel-agent_sha: "658be72c4b42d3e1436b86ac4567ab914bfb451b" fuel-nailgun-agent_sha: "b2bb466fd5bd92da614cdbd819d6999c510ebfb1" astute_sha: "b81577a5b7857c4be8748492bae1dec2fa89b446" fuel-library_sha: "4a783e271a0c4b889d16b66dd8410766b2b00813" fuel-ostf_sha: "5fe41945c2a49f26c849df1fd46329f6db1ab6b0" fuel-mirror_sha: "eea143f2c6ed91dcaf55bc0911677f6fdc5a9133" fuelmenu_sha: "12227354aec1d38f7f51042df64cca59fa7a95f1" shotgun_sha: "63645dea384a37dde5c01d4f8905566978e5d906" network-checker_sha: "a43cf96cd9532f10794dce736350bf5bed350e9d" fuel-upgrade_sha: "616a7490ec7199f69759e97e42f9b97dfc87e85b" fuelmain_sha: "c5aac6c0b8d2a37147fdd6e6b78df4ad2ad90e31"
Found on CI: /product- ci.infra. mirantis. net/view/ 8.0_swarm/ job/8.0. system_ test.ubuntu. backup_ restore_ master/ 126/console
Test steps: ha_one_ controller_ backup_ restore"
1. Revert snapshot "deploy_
2. Backup master
3. Check backup
4. Run OSTF
5. Add 1 node with compute role
6. Restore master
7. Check restore
8. Run OSTF
Initial snapshot includes two nodes. So after snapshot's restoring there should be 2 nodes after step 6. But we have 3 nodes: 1 is pending addition.
[root@nailgun ~]# fuel node ------- |------ ------- ------- -|----- ----|-- ------- ----|-- ------- ------- ---|--- ------- --|---- ------- ----|-- ------| ------- --
id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | roles | pending_roles | online | group_id
1 | ready | slave-01_controller | 1 | | 64:54:dd:68:40:b5 | controller | | True | 1
2 | discover | slave-03_compute | 1 | | 64:b2:c3:85:38:c6 | | compute | True | 1
3 | ready | slave-02_compute | 1 | | 64:7b:ba:9d:49:aa | compute | | True | 1
Fuel used: 7881239c8819ff5 c6622f90625" fuelclient_ sha: "4f234669cfe88a 9406f4e438b1e1f 74f1ef484a5" e1436b86ac4567a b914bfb451b" nailgun- agent_sha: "b2bb466fd5bd92 da614cdbd819d69 99c510ebfb1" 4be8748492bae1d ec2fa89b446" 889d16b66dd8410 766b2b00813" 26c849df1fd4632 9f6db1ab6b0" dcaf55bc0911677 f6fdc5a9133" 8f7f51042df64cc a59fa7a95f1" dde5c01d4f89055 66978e5d906" checker_ sha: "a43cf96cd9532f 10794dce736350b f5bed350e9d" f69759e97e42f9b 97dfc87e85b" 7147fdd6e6b78df 4ad2ad90e31"
- mirantis
production: "docker"
release: "8.0"
api: "1.0"
build_number: "515"
build_id: "515"
fuel-nailgun_sha: "c363c742bf3a7e
fuel-agent_sha: "658be72c4b42d3
astute_sha: "b81577a5b7857c
fuel-library_sha: "4a783e271a0c4b
fuel-ostf_sha: "5fe41945c2a49f
fuel-mirror_sha: "eea143f2c6ed91
fuelmenu_sha: "12227354aec1d3
shotgun_sha: "63645dea384a37
fuel-upgrade_sha: "616a7490ec7199
fuelmain_sha: "c5aac6c0b8d2a3