Comment 16 for bug 1538055

Revision history for this message
Dmitry Bilunov (dbilunov) wrote :

We can check if mcollective is available without any additional tools and patches just by inserting a one-line condition into nailgun-agent.cron:

# timeout 5 ruby -rmcollective -e 'include MCollective::RPC; rpcclient("version", :options => { :config => "/etc/mcollective/server.cfg" }).get_version'
# echo $?
(now setting invalid configuration in /etc/mcollective/server.cfg)
# timeout 5 ruby -rmcollective -e 'include MCollective::RPC; rpcclient("version", :options => { :config => "/etc/mcollective/server.cfg" }).get_version'
Could not create RPC client: Could not connect to RabbitMQ Server: SIGTERM
# echo $?