- looks like there is no reference diagram for a pure-KVM deployment without vSphere - please, clarify if this is really so; if pure-KVM is presupposed to be there, add the corresponding note
- “Example of network topology” section+ “Fuel running under vSphere” should demonstrate very clear picture about Fuel Admin(PXE) that actually doesn't need to have access to the internet to download packages
- it's required to clarify the following issue: how the net access is configured at the Fuel Master node? when should the gateway configuration happen - at which stage?
All the gaps listed below are about https:/ /docs.mirantis. com/openstack/ fuel/fuel- 7.0/reference- architecture. html#ref- arch:
- looks like there is no reference diagram for a pure-KVM deployment without vSphere - please, clarify if this is really so; if pure-KVM is presupposed to be there, add the corresponding note
- “Example of network topology” section+ “Fuel running under vSphere” should demonstrate very clear picture about Fuel Admin(PXE) that actually doesn't need to have access to the internet to download packages
- it's required to clarify the following issue: how the net access is configured at the Fuel Master node? when should the gateway configuration happen - at which stage?