We have mcollective service enabled in puppet manifests https://github.com/stackforge/fuel-library/blob/master/deployment/puppet/mcollective/manifests/server.pp#L62.
And if I run puppet apply -e "service { 'mcollective': ensure=>running, enable=>true }" at my lab, chkconfig gets runlevels configured. That is really strange why this don't work at deploy stage...
We have mcollective service enabled in puppet manifests https:/ /github. com/stackforge/ fuel-library/ blob/master/ deployment/ puppet/ mcollective/ manifests/ server. pp#L62.
And if I run puppet apply -e "service { 'mcollective': ensure=>running, enable=>true }" at my lab, chkconfig gets runlevels configured. That is really strange why this don't work at deploy stage...