Comment 3 for bug 1420054

Revision history for this message
Joseph Fisher (jpf) wrote :

I added a "customer-found" tag as this was identified via a ticket. I'd argue that this really shouldn't be in a "won't fix" status though.

The reason someone would specify an alternate location for a snapshot dump is due to space constraints. If all the --dir parameter does is copy the dump after it's completed, it doesn't seem terribly helpful. If anything, the help documentation should indicate what's actually happening - a copy to a folder, not download to folder:

[root@fuel ~]# fuel snapshot help
usage: fuel snapshot [-h] [--dir DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help show this help message and exit
  --dir DIR Directory to which download snapshot.


 To download diagnostic snapshot:
            fuel snapshot

        To download diagnostic snapshot to specific directory:
            fuel snapshot --dir path/to/directory

Silently storing old dumps deep in the filesystem is also problematic, since nobody expects there to be multiple copies of snapshots floating around. Due to the /var filesystem issue that many people are encountering, it's even more important to be mindful to clean up scratch space periodically and programmatically. Or at the very least, fully document the behavior, so that people know they have to manually clean up Fuel's snapshot scratch space.