1.Wait for synced state and wait for backend reported OK, but there are no '[Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections' in mysql log (Note: is it really an issue with mysql accessibility or not?)
3. Gateway timeout errors from keystone due to we do not wait for keystone haproxy backend for neutron case (and/or mysql is not ready for connections yet?) Note: looks like a new bug, we should always wait for keystone haproxy backend.
4. Finished puppet apply and started a new one
5. Only now mysql is ready for connections, but deployment is failed allready.
So, first, I guess the correct sequence with mysql events is only:
[Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections -> /Stage[main]/Galera/Exec[wait-for-synced-state]
but not vice versa as we can see here.
Here is log analysis from https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/fuel/ +bug/1391213/ comments/ 3
http:// paste.openstack .org/show/ 134709/
1.Wait for synced state and wait for backend reported OK, but there are no '[Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections' in mysql log (Note: is it really an issue with mysql accessibility or not?)
2. Neutron server service started before its DB schema prepared (dup of https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/fuel/ +bug/1393772)
3. Gateway timeout errors from keystone due to we do not wait for keystone haproxy backend for neutron case (and/or mysql is not ready for connections yet?) Note: looks like a new bug, we should always wait for keystone haproxy backend.
4. Finished puppet apply and started a new one
5. Only now mysql is ready for connections, but deployment is failed allready.
So, first, I guess the correct sequence with mysql events is only: main]/Galera/ Exec[wait- for-synced- state]
[Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections -> /Stage[
but not vice versa as we can see here.
Second, we should fix wait for keystone haproxy backend https:/ /github. com/stackforge/ fuel-library/ blob/master/ deployment/ puppet/ osnailyfacter/ manifests/ cluster_ ha.pp#L545- L571
Third, close the related bug https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/fuel/ +bug/1393772