Sometimes after reverting snapshots Ceph health check
alerts about clock skew on some nodes, so an additional
time sync and ceph service restart were added to the
test. Also, refactored methods which are used for ceph
Change-Id: I6c875f19cd3802e8280de48d121b7900b25a0f3a
Closes-bug: #1349379
(cherry picked from commit 3c7a8aa6e35d9e4ae36c8b2ae3ea39baec76a211)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/115226 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ fuel-main/ commit/ ?id=80be30c5fc2 0e98e37d10c217b 961e9601a65081
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/5.0
commit 80be30c5fc20e98 e37d10c217b961e 9601a65081
Author: Artem Panchenko <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Jul 29 18:27:42 2014 +0300
Add sync_ceph_time method to all Ceph tests
Sometimes after reverting snapshots Ceph health check
alerts about clock skew on some nodes, so an additional
time sync and ceph service restart were added to the
test. Also, refactored methods which are used for ceph
Change-Id: I6c875f19cd3802 e8280de48d121b7 900b25a0f3a ae36c8b2ae3ea39 baec76a211)
Closes-bug: #1349379
(cherry picked from commit 3c7a8aa6e35d9e4