Reproduced on ISO #169 "build_id": "2014-08-11_12-45-06", "mirantis": "yes", "build_number": "169", "ostf_sha": "09b6bccf7d476771ac859bb3c76c9ebec9da9e1f", "nailgun_sha": "04ada3cd7ef14f6741a05fd5d6690260f9198095", "production": "docker", "api": "1.0", "fuelmain_sha": "43374c706b4fdce28aeb4ef11e69a53f41646740", "astute_sha": "6db5f5031b74e67b92fcac1f7998eaa296d68025", "release": "5.0.1", "fuellib_sha": "a31dbac8fff9cf6bc4cd0d23459670e34b27a9ab"
I started 2 deployments at the same time.
First env: 1. Create new environment (Ubuntu, HA mode) 2. Choose GRE segmentation 3. Choose Ceph for images 4. Add 3 controllers, 1 compute, 1 cinder, 2 ceph 5. Start deployment
Second env: 1. Create new environment (Ubuntu, simple mode) 2. Choose nova-network, flat 3. Choose Ceph for volumes 4. Add 1 controller, 1 compute, 2 ceph 5. Start deployment
As a result Rabbitmq died. No errors for Ceph.
Logs are here:
Controllers for first env: node-23-29
Reproduced on ISO #169 11_12-45- 06", 71ac859bb3c76c9 ebec9da9e1f" , 6741a05fd5d6690 260f9198095" , e28aeb4ef11e69a 53f41646740" , 7b92fcac1f7998e aa296d68025" , 6bc4cd0d2345967 0e34b27a9ab"
"build_id": "2014-08-
"mirantis": "yes",
"build_number": "169",
"ostf_sha": "09b6bccf7d4767
"nailgun_sha": "04ada3cd7ef14f
"production": "docker",
"api": "1.0",
"fuelmain_sha": "43374c706b4fdc
"astute_sha": "6db5f5031b74e6
"release": "5.0.1",
"fuellib_sha": "a31dbac8fff9cf
I started 2 deployments at the same time.
First env:
1. Create new environment (Ubuntu, HA mode)
2. Choose GRE segmentation
3. Choose Ceph for images
4. Add 3 controllers, 1 compute, 1 cinder, 2 ceph
5. Start deployment
Second env:
1. Create new environment (Ubuntu, simple mode)
2. Choose nova-network, flat
3. Choose Ceph for volumes
4. Add 1 controller, 1 compute, 2 ceph
5. Start deployment
As a result Rabbitmq died. No errors for Ceph.
Logs are here: https:/ /drive. google. com/a/mirantis. com/file/ d/0B6SjzarTGFxa WXdSZ1B0RnQ1Umc /edit?usp= sharing
Controllers for first env: node-23-29