Observation of limits reported for Apache and RadosGW on MOS 5.1 doesn't match the values defined in their sysvinit and upstart init scripts.
CentOS sysvinit script for RadosGW: daemon --user="$user" "ulimit -n 32768; $RADOSGW -n $name"
Actual soft/hard limit is 1024/4096 for RadosGW: Max open files 1024 4096 files
...and 1024/1024 for Apache (init script doesn't set limits): Max open files 1024 1024 files
Ubuntu upstart script for RadosGW (sysvinit script in the same deb does not set limits): limit nofile 8096 65536
Actual soft/hard limit is 1024/4096 (same as CentOS).
...and 8192/8192 for Apache (init script doesn't set limits): Max open files 8192 8192 files
In HA deployments, /etc/security/limits.conf is set (by corosync Puppet module) to: * soft nofile 102400 * hard nofile 112640
As expected based on the previous comment, these values have no effect on Apache and RadosGW.
Observation of limits reported for Apache and RadosGW on MOS 5.1 doesn't match the values defined in their sysvinit and upstart init scripts.
CentOS sysvinit script for RadosGW:
daemon --user="$user" "ulimit -n 32768; $RADOSGW -n $name"
Actual soft/hard limit is 1024/4096 for RadosGW:
Max open files 1024 4096 files
...and 1024/1024 for Apache (init script doesn't set limits):
Max open files 1024 1024 files
Ubuntu upstart script for RadosGW (sysvinit script in the same deb does not set limits):
limit nofile 8096 65536
Actual soft/hard limit is 1024/4096 (same as CentOS).
...and 8192/8192 for Apache (init script doesn't set limits):
Max open files 8192 8192 files
In HA deployments, /etc/security/ limits. conf is set (by corosync Puppet module) to:
* soft nofile 102400
* hard nofile 112640
As expected based on the previous comment, these values have no effect on Apache and RadosGW.