commit e1d6e1881b08827d1be95e35ed064364d222659e
Author: Andrew Woodward <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 14 19:22:48 2014 -0700
Catch missing Glance image attrs with None
Glance is known to drop values from its response if they don't resolve to true.
Previously in I67b7dd16a94fe60d873c012f6bd246ab24500d5a the None catch was
removed as this WILL cause a call to glance for missing value and
optimizations where made to attempt to pre-cache values that can be missing
in expected ways. However there are still situations that can't be optimized.
Notably this can occur with disk_format, container_format, name, deleted,
and checksum.
Test adapted from I85c42f8351763da201021a22f5ff0ebd62c6b2db by Mike Perez
Closes-bug #1308058
Co-Author: Mike Perez <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Icddead6f746d4d3ba652858eaae425acce8c177d
(cherry picked from commit ef3f158a5aa1988be8ab2f295252373f3ee85809)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/116425 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=e1d6e1881b0 8827d1be95e35ed 064364d222659e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/icehouse
commit e1d6e1881b08827 d1be95e35ed0643 64d222659e
Author: Andrew Woodward <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 14 19:22:48 2014 -0700
Catch missing Glance image attrs with None
Glance is known to drop values from its response if they don't resolve to true. 0d873c012f6bd24 6ab24500d5a the None catch was
Previously in I67b7dd16a94fe6
removed as this WILL cause a call to glance for missing value and
optimizations where made to attempt to pre-cache values that can be missing
in expected ways. However there are still situations that can't be optimized.
Notably this can occur with disk_format, container_format, name, deleted,
and checksum.
Test adapted from I85c42f8351763d a201021a22f5ff0 ebd62c6b2db by Mike Perez
Closes-bug #1308058
Co-Author: Mike Perez <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Icddead6f746d4d 3ba652858eaae42 5acce8c177d be8ab2f29525237 3f3ee85809)
(cherry picked from commit ef3f158a5aa1988