If you have the time it might be worth reporting this issue to the gpsd
upstream folks, seems this is a regression in gpsd 3.15-2 or earlier.
If you are comfortable with compiling gpsd from source, it might be
worth doing a `git bisect` between gpsd 2.94 and gpsd 3.15 so that
you can report exactly which commit introduced the problem.
If you have the time it might be worth reporting this issue to the gpsd
upstream folks, seems this is a regression in gpsd 3.15-2 or earlier.
If you are comfortable with compiling gpsd from source, it might be
worth doing a `git bisect` between gpsd 2.94 and gpsd 3.15 so that
you can report exactly which commit introduced the problem.
https:/ /git-scm. com/docs/ git-bisect /git.savannah. gnu.org/ cgit/gpsd. git catb.org/ gpsd/hacking. html
https:/ /wiki.debian. org/PaulWise