2) install windows fonts (msttcorefonts package, or take them directly from a windows install, i use verdana 10pt as standard font and Curier New 10pt for monospace)
3) Set antialiasing to NONE
Strange enough, this alone wont solve the problem with gnome terminal (at last for me), which will still have blurry fonts. I solved the problem like this (but i dont have the slightest idea why it works)
4) Install KControl
5) run it and in Appearance & Themes->Fonts set Use Antialiasing to Disabled
Here is how i solved the font problem in ubuntu:
1) recompile Freetype2 enabling bytecode interpreter (http:// www.linuxquesti ons.org/ questions/ linuxquestions. org-member- success- stories- 23/making- non-antialiased -fonts- looks-nice. -257705/ take a look here for more infos)
2) install windows fonts (msttcorefonts package, or take them directly from a windows install, i use verdana 10pt as standard font and Curier New 10pt for monospace)
3) Set antialiasing to NONE
Strange enough, this alone wont solve the problem with gnome terminal (at last for me), which will still have blurry fonts. I solved the problem like this (but i dont have the slightest idea why it works)
4) Install KControl
5) run it and in Appearance & Themes->Fonts set Use Antialiasing to Disabled
i hope it will help