I don't know why I didn't notice this before, but it seems as though my gutsy boxes dont' have the "10-*" symlinks in /etc/fonts/conf.d/ . Removing these symlinks seems to make gnome-terminal respect the settings in the appearance -> font application, which I would assume is the desired behavior? Does anyone know why fontconfig now installs these symlinks?
Qt apps don't respect the settings in that fonts dialog after removing the /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-* symlinks, but they do look nicer than *with* the links, and they didn't respect the settings in that dialog in gutsy either.
I don't know why I didn't notice this before, but it seems as though my gutsy boxes dont' have the "10-*" symlinks in /etc/fonts/conf.d/ . Removing these symlinks seems to make gnome-terminal respect the settings in the appearance -> font application, which I would assume is the desired behavior? Does anyone know why fontconfig now installs these symlinks?
Qt apps don't respect the settings in that fonts dialog after removing the /etc/fonts/ conf.d/ 10-* symlinks, but they do look nicer than *with* the links, and they didn't respect the settings in that dialog in gutsy either.