I can confirm that the latest version of Hardy still has this bug.
However, Michael Kuhn fix solves it.
dpkg -S /etc/fonts/conf.avail/10-hinting-medium.conf fontconfig-config: /etc/fonts/conf.avail/10-hinting-medium.conf
Shouldn't this bug be moved to fontconfig-config?
Isn't it weird to have hinting by default at medium? insteaf of full?
I can confirm that the latest version of Hardy still has this bug.
However, Michael Kuhn fix solves it.
dpkg -S /etc/fonts/ conf.avail/ 10-hinting- medium. conf conf.avail/ 10-hinting- medium. conf
fontconfig-config: /etc/fonts/
Shouldn't this bug be moved to fontconfig-config?
Isn't it weird to have hinting by default at medium? insteaf of full?