Confirmed, also running latest Hardy. I've noticed this problem for a while now, and it is especially noticeable when Gnome Appearance Preferences/Font is set to Subpixel/Slight.
The offending font configuration file is /etc/fonts/conf.avail/53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf - if you delete or move this file, the problem will go away.
I suggest that this file is removed entirely; I'm not sure of its rationale. Those with CRT should be careful when assessing this bug, because on an LCD screen, fonts look terrible and inconsistent in Gnome Terminal.
Confirmed, also running latest Hardy. I've noticed this problem for a while now, and it is especially noticeable when Gnome Appearance Preferences/Font is set to Subpixel/Slight.
The offending font configuration file is /etc/fonts/ conf.avail/ 53-monospace- lcd-filter. conf - if you delete or move this file, the problem will go away.
I suggest that this file is removed entirely; I'm not sure of its rationale. Those with CRT should be careful when assessing this bug, because on an LCD screen, fonts look terrible and inconsistent in Gnome Terminal.