* Enter Advanced UI
* Ramp light to 50/150.
* Activate Manual Memory to save current brightness (50/150).
* Enter Ramp -> Ramp light to 100/150.
* Enter Blinky/Utility Mode
* Switch to Beacon Mode
Light beacons at 20/150 (the Manual Memory value vs the Ramp value)
Desired Behavior:
Entering Beacon mode should use the current ramp level, not the manual memory level.
Use Automatic Memory (Hybrid) Set Manual Memory timer to 1 minute.
* Enter Advanced UI
* Enter Ramp Config
* Enter Manual Memory Timer
* Configure for 1 minute.
D4SV2 running 2021-08-31.
Reproduction Steps:
* Enter Advanced UI
* Ramp light to 50/150.
* Activate Manual Memory to save current brightness (50/150).
* Enter Ramp -> Ramp light to 100/150.
* Enter Blinky/Utility Mode
* Switch to Beacon Mode
Light beacons at 20/150 (the Manual Memory value vs the Ramp value)
Desired Behavior:
Entering Beacon mode should use the current ramp level, not the manual memory level.
Use Automatic Memory (Hybrid) Set Manual Memory timer to 1 minute.
* Enter Advanced UI
* Enter Ramp Config
* Enter Manual Memory Timer
* Configure for 1 minute.