Thanks for the update. That's very strange. I just tried running a single NYT page (URL taken directly from one of the feeds that doesn't work) through the code and it works okay:
I'll have to look into it some more to try and find out why the it doesn't work properly - perhaps the URL filtering isn't working properly, or perhaps SimplePie is returning the URL slightly differently...
Thanks for the update. That's very strange. I just tried running a single NYT page (URL taken directly from one of the feeds that doesn't work) through the code and it works okay: http:// news.rethinkmed feeds/makefullt extfeed. php?url= http%3A% 2F%2Ffeeds. nytimes. com%2Fclick. phdo%3Fi% 3Deaf0cecd2f226 58086f627b4af53 d0f6&max= 5&links= preserve& submit= Create+ Feed
I'll have to look into it some more to try and find out why the it doesn't work properly - perhaps the URL filtering isn't working properly, or perhaps SimplePie is returning the URL slightly differently...