You have a point here. After new tests on my system, based on Ubuntu 12.04 with KDE, where:
- there is a defaults.list
- there is a mimeinfo.cache
- there is NO mimeapps.list
- a new user has no specific settings on .local
it seems that defaults.list is currently honored and Firefox (GIO perhaps) falls back to mimeinfo.cache if the application defined on defaults.list does not exist on the system.
I had nautilus on defaults.list for inode/directory and Firefox was falling back to gwenview which is the first entry on mimeinfo.cache. I also tested changing the default application for PDF on defaults.list and it worked.
Can someone else confirm that defaults.list is now correctly honored?
Off topic: your python one liner does not behave has expected
user@1204-IGAC:~$ python -c 'import gio; print gio.app_info_get_all_for_type("application/pdf")'
[<gio.unix.DesktopAppInfo at 0xb71f68ec: Okular>, <gio.unix.DesktopAppInfo at 0xb71f6aa4: GIMP Image Editor>, <gio.unix.DesktopAppInfo at 0x9f35eb4: MuPDF>, <gio.unix.DesktopAppInfo at 0x9f35edc: Adobe Reader 9>, <gio.unix.DesktopAppInfo at 0x9f35f04: PDF Mod>]
user@1204-IGAC:~$ xdg-mime query default application/pdf
You have a point here. After new tests on my system, based on Ubuntu 12.04 with KDE, where:
- there is a defaults.list
- there is a mimeinfo.cache
- there is NO mimeapps.list
- a new user has no specific settings on .local
it seems that defaults.list is currently honored and Firefox (GIO perhaps) falls back to mimeinfo.cache if the application defined on defaults.list does not exist on the system.
I had nautilus on defaults.list for inode/directory and Firefox was falling back to gwenview which is the first entry on mimeinfo.cache. I also tested changing the default application for PDF on defaults.list and it worked.
Can someone else confirm that defaults.list is now correctly honored?
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
Off topic: your python one liner does not behave has expected
user@1204-IGAC:~$ python -c 'import gio; print gio.app_ info_get_ all_for_ type("applicati on/pdf" )' DesktopAppInfo at 0xb71f68ec: Okular>, <gio.unix. DesktopAppInfo at 0xb71f6aa4: GIMP Image Editor>, <gio.unix. DesktopAppInfo at 0x9f35eb4: MuPDF>, <gio.unix. DesktopAppInfo at 0x9f35edc: Adobe Reader 9>, <gio.unix. DesktopAppInfo at 0x9f35f04: PDF Mod>] on_pdf. desktop
user@1204-IGAC:~$ xdg-mime query default application/pdf
defaults.lst has:
application/ pdf=kde4- okularApplicati on_pdf. desktop
mimeinfo.cache has:
application/ pdf=gimp. desktop; mupdf.desktop; kde4-okularAppl ication_ pdf.desktop; acroread. desktop; evince. desktop; pdfmod. desktop;