The problem is indicated by this line:
EAP-TTLS: Failed to derive key
This message means that eap_peer_tls_derive_key() function failed. I'd need more low level debugging output to find out which function called from OpenSSL library fails or behaves differently.
I suppose it is related to the new TLS-1.2 support in openssl-1.0.1. Perhaps the wpa_supplicant should forcibly limit the TLS version to 1.0?
Reassingning to wpa_supplicant for better insight from wpa_supplicant maintainers.
The problem is indicated by this line:
EAP-TTLS: Failed to derive key
This message means that eap_peer_ tls_derive_ key() function failed. I'd need more low level debugging output to find out which function called from OpenSSL library fails or behaves differently.
I suppose it is related to the new TLS-1.2 support in openssl-1.0.1. Perhaps the wpa_supplicant should forcibly limit the TLS version to 1.0?
Reassingning to wpa_supplicant for better insight from wpa_supplicant maintainers.