I saw previous weeks that this EQ size goes from 512 then 1024 then.. .etc.. 2^n ... and this is avoiding the total freeze... I had yesterday.. So I'm completely lost. Is my problem related to this thread's bug? Another one I couldn't find? Did nvidia solve this thread's bug or not? What about mine???
Hi there,
So, I just saw this morning that the automatic EQ size sizing is still doing things in my Xorg.log :
My X just freezed for a couple of seconds then the tail -f just showed:
Backtrace: +0x26) [0x7f07f3ca9876] +0x62a34) [0x7f07f3b83a34] xorg/modules/ input/evdev_ drv.so (0x7f07ebe8f000 +0x5d88) [0x7f07ebe94d88] +0x8af37) [0x7f07f3babf37] +0xb0d1a) [0x7f07f3bd1d1a] 64-linux- gnu/libpthread. so.0 (0x7f07f2e47000 +0xfcb0) [0x7f07f2e56cb0] x86_64- linux-gnu/ xorg/extra- modules/ nvidia_ drv.so (0x7f07eca07000 +0x8ebed) [0x7f07eca95bed] x86_64- linux-gnu/ xorg/extra- modules/ nvidia_ drv.so (0x7f07eca07000 +0x90475) [0x7f07eca97475] x86_64- linux-gnu/ xorg/extra- modules/ nvidia_ drv.so (0x7f07eca07000 +0x1140de) [0x7f07ecb1b0de] x86_64- linux-gnu/ xorg/extra- modules/ nvidia_ drv.so (0x7f07eca07000 +0x4eec80) [0x7f07ecef5c80] x86_64- linux-gnu/ xorg/extra- modules/ nvidia_ drv.so (0x7f07eca07000 +0x4ed705) [0x7f07ecef4705] x86_64- linux-gnu/ xorg/extra- modules/ nvidia_ drv.so (0x7f07eca07000 +0x4eeebd) [0x7f07ecef5ebd] +0x11997c) [0x7f07f3c3a97c] +0x4b53e) [0x7f07f3b6c53e] +0xf1adb) [0x7f07f3c12adb] +0x4e8a1) [0x7f07f3b6f8a1] +0x3d7ba) [0x7f07f3b5e7ba] 64-linux- gnu/libc. so.6 (__libc_ start_main+ 0xed) [0x7f07f1cd876d] +0x3daad) [0x7f07f3b5eaad]
[ 8649.368] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace
[ 8649.368] 1: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.368] 2: /usr/lib/
[ 8649.368] 3: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.368] 4: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.368] 5: /lib/x86_
[ 8649.368] 6: /usr/lib/
[ 8649.368] 7: /usr/lib/
[ 8649.368] 8: /usr/lib/
[ 8649.368] 9: /usr/lib/
[ 8649.368] 10: /usr/lib/
[ 8649.368] 11: /usr/lib/
[ 8649.368] 12: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.368] 13: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.368] 14: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.368] 15: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.368] 16: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.368] 17: /lib/x86_
[ 8649.368] 18: /usr/bin/X (0x7f07f3b21000
[ 8649.801] [mi] Increasing EQ size to 512 to prevent dropped events.
[ 8649.801] [mi] EQ processing has resumed after 1109 dropped events.
[ 8649.801] [mi] This may be caused my a misbehaving driver monopolizing the server's resources.
Any idea on what is this?....
I saw previous weeks that this EQ size goes from 512 then 1024 then.. .etc.. 2^n ... and this is avoiding the total freeze... I had yesterday.. So I'm completely lost. Is my problem related to this thread's bug? Another one I couldn't find? Did nvidia solve this thread's bug or not? What about mine???
Lost!! :)