Comment 40 for bug 386069

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

Inkscape 0.46+devel r22521 on OS X 10.5.8, Python 2.6.2
Inkscape 0.47pre4 on OS X 10.5.8, Python 2.5.1

I can't reproduce the error with the old version: linked images with either accented characters in the file name ('lower-left-öäü.png') or french accented letters in the path name ('/imaginé-èàé/') are embedded without error! And the new version doesn't seem to make a difference.

the image link in the test file (new file, bitmap imported):

       xlink:href="file:///Volumes/blue/src/Inkscape/dev/launchpad/media_zip_output/imagine%CC%81-e%CC%80a%CC%80e%CC%81/upper-left.png" />
