Comment 2 for bug 871444

Revision history for this message
Arturo Torres Sánchez (r2d2.art2005) wrote :

I'm still having this bug. Here's a relevant part from my log to help solve the issue:

2011-10-09 16:08:44 INFO: Update #455 starting
2011-10-09 16:08:44 INFO: Checking Facebook
2011-10-09 16:08:45 DEBUG: [{u'from': {u'name': u'Kat Doo', u'id': u'100000213414330'}, u'title': u'Kat Doo pu\u015detis vin.', u'updated_time': u'2011-10-09T20:37:07+0000', u'to': {u'name': u'Arturo Torres S\xe1nchez', u'id': u'1162874940'}, u'link': u'', u'created_time': u'2011-10-09T20:37:07+0000', u'unread': 1, u'id': u'notif_1162874940_49647856'}]

It says that I received a poke from Kat at 20:37 UTC, or 15:37 CDT (my current timezone). I don't know if the timezone, or the language of Facebook (I set it to Esperanto) is causing some conflicts.