Comment 2 for bug 136141

Revision history for this message
Florian Demmer (fdemmer) wrote :

i hacked together a "total duration of playlist" and a "duration of currently selected tracks" for the statusbar... had to add a "tracks_selected" event to xlgui/ for the latter. i guess it could be quite easily extended to also include "duration from currently playing track to end of playlist".

it looks like shown in the attachment...
- it does not seem to affect performance much to loop through playlists to sum up the track duration.
- i used the datetime module to format the duration integer to hh:mm:ss
- the "tracks_selected" event "throws" for each mouse button down

i am however not sure if the whole thing is a good idea. i think it would be better to add this as a plugin that allows customizing of the information shown in the statusbar not hard coded.