Comment 1 for bug 136050

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Pen Gale (pengale) wrote :

I ran into this problem, too. Specifically, with "Across the Universe", purchased from the mp3 store. (Also with "The Wall," also from the amazon mp3 store, and "Barenaked Laidies Are Me" from emusic -- this info is provided not so you can judge my music taste :-p ).

I noticed that, when I went into Track Editor dialogue in Exaile, tracks from both disc 1 and 2 were both labeled as being from disc "-1". I experimented with changing the -1 to a "1" on several of the tracks from disc 1.

Then I fired up my handy mp3 tag editor (EasyTAG 2.1.2), and took a look at the tags. The value of the "disc" field for the tracks I edited was "1". The value of the unedited tracks was "1/2" or "2/2".

I changed all the values to a 1 or 2 in EasyTAG, saved the files, rescanned my music collection, cleared my playlist, and reloaded the tracks (the rescanning step might not be necessary).

This seemed to fix the sorting problem -- tracks from disc 1 appear before disc 2 in the list.

Possibly the problem is with the "/" character in the track field?

~ PeteVG