Could you post the following log. Be aware this contains your consumer_secret and token_secret. Make sure these are obfuscated. If its not already you can use Gedits Find/Replace tool to replace the number with HiddenHiddenHidddenHiddenHidden.
Also you can try the following to get some more information. Run the following commands in a Terminal.
evolution --force-shutdown
Then, start Evolution again and try to open again the CouchDB addressbook. If it fails, have a look at the output on the terminal, it should have some hints as to why it failed. Please post that here.
Just to understand what steps you have taken to initialize your address book, are these the steps you followed?
https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/UbuntuOne/ Tutorials/ Contacts
Could you post the following log. Be aware this contains your consumer_secret and token_secret. Make sure these are obfuscated. If its not already you can use Gedits Find/Replace tool to replace the number with HiddenHiddenHid ddenHiddenHidde n.
~/.cache/ desktop- couch/log/ desktop- couch-replicati on.log
Also you can try the following to get some more information. Run the following commands in a Terminal.
evolution --force-shutdown
/usr/lib/ evolution/ evolution- data-server- 2.28
Then, start Evolution again and try to open again the CouchDB addressbook. If it fails, have a look at the output on the terminal, it should have some hints as to why it failed. Please post that here.
thank you,