Tested /user/berick/lp893193-acq-po-state-constraint against master and it did the job.
Don't have a 2.1 test system right now, but I can't imagine any reason it wouldn't work the same there.
user/mrpeters-isl/lp893193-acq-po-state-constraint_signoff http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=commitdiff;h=c3be6b1601cd3da23ffbc040eee89a7674b40a2d
Tested /user/berick/ lp893193- acq-po- state-constrain t against master and it did the job.
Don't have a 2.1 test system right now, but I can't imagine any reason it wouldn't work the same there.
user/mrpeters- isl/lp893193- acq-po- state-constrain t_signoff git.evergreen- ils.org/ ?p=working/ Evergreen. git;a=commitdif f;h=c3be6b1601c d3da23ffbc040ee e89a7674b40a2d