We are experiencing this as well. I am actually seeing 403 errors, and it appears the OpenLibrary API is blocking LWP at the user-agent level. Here are some quick tests which make me believe this:
In a quick search, I could not find any information with this as a new policy, but I didn't look very hard. In any case, this would be a simple fix, but:
a) Do we want to supply a custom/spoofed UA string?
b) If we do, what should it be?
(Also note, AddedContent has a built in error retry timeout, 10 minutes by default. So, if you apply this to AddedContent.pm as a fix, you may not see images for another 10 minutes. (You will see "added content lookup disabled" instead.))
We are experiencing this as well. I am actually seeing 403 errors, and it appears the OpenLibrary API is blocking LWP at the user-agent level. Here are some quick tests which make me believe this:
perl -e 'use Data::Dumper; use LWP::UserAgent; my $agent = LWP::UserAgent- >new(); my $res = $agent->get("http:// openlibrary. org/api/ volumes/ brief/json/ isbn:130608198X"); print Dumper($res);'
(returns 403 for me)
perl -e 'use Data::Dumper; use LWP::UserAgent; my $agent = LWP::UserAgent- >new(); $agent- >agent( "Evergreen_ ILS"); my $res = $agent->get("http:// openlibrary. org/api/ volumes/ brief/json/ isbn:130608198X"); print Dumper($res);'
(works fine for me)
In a quick search, I could not find any information with this as a new policy, but I didn't look very hard. In any case, this would be a simple fix, but:
a) Do we want to supply a custom/spoofed UA string?
b) If we do, what should it be?
(Also note, AddedContent has a built in error retry timeout, 10 minutes by default. So, if you apply this to AddedContent.pm as a fix, you may not see images for another 10 minutes. (You will see "added content lookup disabled" instead.))