Thanks, Bill. I'll look at the items out page, unless you want to spread the love/knowledge around and implement an analog.
The "nulls last" behavior is intentional, and noted in the commit message. If you look at ~;a=blob;f=Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/services/grid.js;h=96c4a9eda9148d67d37d45072bad8b90e594d67f;hb=ddd3ccc0538e674e2d1ffc8ae62926a850058e95#l1585 you'll see that undefined values in JS are treated specially and go to the end. Empty strings, however, sort where "expected".
Thanks, Bill. I'll look at the items out page, unless you want to spread the love/knowledge around and implement an analog.
The "nulls last" behavior is intentional, and noted in the commit message. If you look at ~ http:// git.evergreen- ?p=working/ Evergreen. git;a=blob; f=Open- ILS/web/ js/ui/default/ staff/services/ grid.js; h=96c4a9eda9148 d67d37d45072bad 8b90e594d67f; hb=ddd3ccc0538e 674e2d1ffc8ae62 926a850058e95# l1585 you'll see that undefined values in JS are treated specially and go to the end. Empty strings, however, sort where "expected".