Noting that another entry point is through the Circulation -> Scan Item Missing Pieces interface.
In XUL, scanning an in-transit item as missing pieces through this entry point gives the same error as trying to set an item as missing pieces via checkin actions menu.
However, in the web staff client, if you scan an in-transit item via the Circulation -> Scan Item Missing Pieces interface, you get a silent failure and the following in the console:
angular.min.js:119 TypeError: Cannot read property 'textcode' of null
at missing_pieces.js:68
at angular.min.js:132
at m.$eval (angular.min.js:147)
at m.$digest (angular.min.js:144)
at angular.min.js:147
at f (angular.min.js:45)
at angular.min.js:48
(Noting that webby's checkin action menu entry for Mark Item Missing Pieces is pending via bug 1685929)
I can list webby's silent failure as its own bug if that is preferred.
Noting that another entry point is through the Circulation -> Scan Item Missing Pieces interface.
In XUL, scanning an in-transit item as missing pieces through this entry point gives the same error as trying to set an item as missing pieces via checkin actions menu.
However, in the web staff client, if you scan an in-transit item via the Circulation -> Scan Item Missing Pieces interface, you get a silent failure and the following in the console:
angular.min.js:119 TypeError: Cannot read property 'textcode' of null pieces. js:68 min.js: 147) min.js: 144)
at missing_
at angular.min.js:132
at m.$eval (angular.
at m.$digest (angular.
at angular.min.js:147
at f (angular.min.js:45)
at angular.min.js:48
(Noting that webby's checkin action menu entry for Mark Item Missing Pieces is pending via bug 1685929)
I can list webby's silent failure as its own bug if that is preferred.