Comment 31 for bug 1198465

Revision history for this message
Tim Spindler (tspindler-cwmars) wrote :

At least from an end-user perspective, this is also a big problem at our consortium from day and concur with Michele and Kathy ;s statements. Personally, I never liked the void concept at all and would have preferred a design that kept a straight accounting ledger with debits and credits applied. I would also be interested in seeing better linking between billing and payments and I guess Jeff Godin had poked at this issue in 1.2 from what Mike is saying. Michele's scenario as follows precisely describes our problem here.

"A patron who has items checked out, some overdue, some not, visits the library and pays off all the bills due in his visit. One bill was $10.00 in overdue fines for an item the patron still has checked out. The following week is library amnesty week, when patrons can return anything overdue without fines. During this week, the patron returns the overdue item. The library checks the item in using Amnesty mode. This voids the $10.00 fine, and -$10.00 now shows on the patron's Bills screen."

I am concerned also about how changes affect reports but I have not had a chance to test this code so I cannot speak to this issue.